Call Us: (268) 460-0900/01

Nancy Lake has over a decade of experience in the Banking Secrecy Act/Anti-MoneyLaundering (BSA/AML) world. Ms. Lake was Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) certified in 2008, received her CAMS-Audit certification in 2013, and her CAMS-FCI certification in 2015. Ms. Lake has served as BSA Officer in multiple banks where she successfully set up the entire BSA Program. She has conducted bank wide BSA/AML Training including Board of Director Training. Ms. Lake has experience working with or implementing several automated BSA/AML Monitoring Systems.

Ms. Lake joined Atlantic Community Bankers Bank in 2012 to develop a new consulting division, Compliance Anchor. Ms. Lake is utilizing her BSA experience and nineteen (19) years as an educator to provide assistance to community banks in managing risk and developing sound internal programs and best practices.


Brysons Complex
Friars Hill Road
P.O. Box 787
St. John's, Antigua
Phone: (268) 460-0900/01
Fax: (268) 460-0902